Career Planning

  • You need support in finding a new professional perspective and would like inspirational ideas, strengthening and reflection?
  • You want to develop professionally and are striving for a leadership role or would like to break out of your long-standing position, but need support and suggestions to find the courage to break new ground?
  • Perhaps you have been in the same position for quite some time and wish to advance. However, you still lack the courage to enter new territory?
  • But you know for sure: something should be different. You want a change in your professional life, but are still unsure in which direction to go. 
  • A coach can help to gain clarity and plan the next steps in the event of unexpected or desired changes.

Develop your talents and skills with individual career advice based on our comprehensive Working Style Analysis (WSA). Discover your potential and find the right career path with our support and advice.

Our offers

Our career advice is completely tailored to your individual questions and needs. We reflect on your current situation, discuss possible options and accompany you on your way into the future. We place particular focus on your personal strengths and support you in (re)discovering your resources. A comprehensive analysis of your work skills, characteristics and competencies will be carried out and you will receive targeted impulses for your professional career.

The process

  • Just get in touch via email: JFdRVFRLVlBkVFZFV0xKTUNXUF1IQVcKR0tJ@nospam 
  • In an initial meeting via video call, we will discuss your concerns and your current situation.
  • We will make suggestions for further action and present the contents of our career advice.
  • To prepare, we will send you an on-line questionnaire for our Working Style Analysis (WSA) and an overview of questions that match your situation. The analysis tool and the overview questionnaire allow you to prepare for the interview and formulate your concerns and questions more clearly.
  • In this way, you can reflect on your situation once again and we prepare the start of your consultation in a targeted manner.
    Through this individual process, we take a holistic look at your situation, your professional goals and wishes.
  • Of course, we attach great importance to a trusting atmosphere, to the protection of your privacy and absolute confidentiality.

Good reasons for individual career advice

Various surveys show that a significant number of people are dissatisfied with their jobs. There are many reasons for this: Some work in a profession that does not match their abilities, talents and interests. Others see no opportunities for personal development. Some are dissatisfied with their salary, while others are uncomfortable in their work environment. For some it is important to take a fresh look at their professional opportunities after a break and to strive for a new career plan.


Our claim

Our goal is to provide you with the best possible support in exploring your professional opportunities. We want to help you find the path that works best for you - a path that aligns with your talents, values, and aspirations. Our focus is on recognizing your individual strengths and giving you suitable recommendations as to which activities, positions and working environment suits you best. In this way, you can confidently take the next steps and achieve your professional goals.

Our career coaching focuses on your individual questions and needs. Our Working Style Analysis (WSA) helps pinpoint your unique strengths, interests, and potential, while also providing guidance for a meaningful journey of professional and personal growth.


The result

Our analysis reveals your strengths, talents, skills, and fleixibilities to give you a comprehensive picture of your potential. On this basis, we derive recommendations that will help you to find the optimal content, positions and working environment. Ultimately, we actively accompany you in the necessary steps to achieve your dream job and desired position.

We look forward to meeting you on-line!

Please write to us:

Email: luXj5ub55OLW5uT35f74--Hl4u-68+W49fn7@nospam

We accompany your success!

You need support?


Feel free to get in touch so that we can learn more about your concerns in a non-binding preliminary talk.


Creative Learning Systems  

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+64 21 77 55 29


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The tools we use
